Herbalife Active Fiber Complex

Well-balanced formula improves regularity and bowel function . One serving of Active fiber complex provides 5g of dietary fiber (soluble & insoluble fiber)

2,876.00 2,789.72


Herbalife Active Fiber Complex – Herbalife Product

Overview of Herbalife Active Fiber Complex Herbalife Product:

Herbalife Active Fiber Complex (AFC) is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber that promotes regularity and minimizes hungriness.

Well-balanced formula improves regularity and bowel function . One serving of Active fiber complex provides 5g of dietary fiber (soluble & insoluble fiber)

39% of men, 40% of women, 1.9 billion individuals, 650 million adults. What do all these numbers mean? Well, for one, they are the figures indicating the incidence of obesity in the world.

Key Benefits of Herbalife Active Fiber Complex:

Active Fiber Complex contains fibre derived from a variety of fruits and vegetables. It includes citrus fibre, cellulose powder, inulin, soy fibre and maltodextrin to provide a good blend of soluble and insoluble fibres.

Dietary fibre is a key component in healthy eating and dietary habits. It provides several digestive health benefits, including support for regular bowel function, maintenance of gastrointestinal health and even potential benefits for weight management.

Activated Fiber Complex contains fiber derived from a variety of fruits and vegetable. It includes citrus fiber, cellulose powder, inulin, soy fiber and maltodextrin, to provide a good blend of soluble and insoluble fiber.

Dietary fiber is a key component in healthy eating and dietary habits. It provides several digestive health benefits, including support for regular bowel function, maintenance of gastrointestinal health, and even potential benefits for weight management. Inclusion of fiber in the diet promotes and prolongs satiety,

Nutritional Fact Of Active Fiber Complex:

AFC contains a blend of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber derived from various fruits and vegetable sources. AFC includes citrus fiber, cellulose powder, inulin, soy fiber and maltodextrin to provide a good blend of different soluble and insoluble fiber.

Important facts to remember about the product:

Ingredient Content per serving Content per daily recommendation
Total Dietary Fiber 5 g 10 g
Insoluble Fiber 3 g 6 g
Soluble Fiber 2 g 4 g
Usage Of Herbalife Active Fiber Complex:
  • One serving of Active Fiber Complex (AFC) provides 5g of dietary fiber (soluble & insoluble fiber).
  • It is recommended to use 1 scoop of AFC in 240 ml of water/Formula 1 shake/Juice, 1-2 times/day. Do not exceed recommended daily serving/usage.
  • If you do not consume enough dietary fiber, you can gradually increase the consumption of AFC based on your dietary habits.
  • This is an unflavored dietary fiber supplement so it can be easily added to soups, juices, it can also be added to wheat flour while kneading the dough for making chapattis.
Frequently Asked Questions on Herbalife Active Fiber Complex:

Q.1 What does Active Fiber Complex do?

A. 1 Herbalife Nutrition launches Active Fiber Complex. … Dietary fibre is a key component in healthy eating and dietary habits. It provides several digestive health benefits, including support for regular bowel function, maintenance of gastrointestinal health and even potential benefits for weight management.

Q.2 How do you take an active fiber complex?

A.2 Mix one scoop with 8 fl. oz. of water or to taste. Take one to two times per day.

Q.3 What do Herbalife Fibre tablets do?

A.3 They help you to feel full, as the fibre expands in your gut and so you need less food. It also promotes regular bowel movements, and helps speed up the passage of food through your digestive system. 2 tablets before every meal (6 in total).

Q.4 Do fiber pills make you lose weight?

A.4 Soluble Fiber Helps Reduce Appetite

One way to lose belly fat is to lose weight. And given that soluble fiber is a powerful natural appetite suppressant, it can help you do that. … Some studies have found that eating soluble fiber reduces the levels of hunger hormones produced by the body, including ghrelin ( 23 , 24 )

Q.5 Does fiber make you gain weight?

A.5 Not Eating Enough Fiber

A lack of fiber in your diet could be making you gain fat. This is because fiber helps control your appetite to keep you fuller for longer (33, 34, 35). One study showed that eating an extra 14 grams of fiber per day may decrease your calorie intake up to 10%.

Q.6 What is the best time of day to take fiber?

A.6 Try the experts’ advice: Spread out your high-fiber foods evenly throughout your day. When it comes to eating fiber, the best time is any time. The caveat, however, is not to overdo at any one meal.

Q.7 How can I lose tummy fat fast?

A.7 20 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science)

Eat plenty of soluble fiber. …
Avoid foods that contain trans fats. …
Don’t drink too much alcohol. …
Eat a high protein diet. …
Reduce your stress levels. …
Don’t eat a lot of sugary foods. …
Do aerobic exercise (cardio) …
Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs.

Q.8 How quickly does fiber work?

A. 8 This time varies from person to person but is usually around 24 hours for someone with a fiber rich diet. There are many factors that determine how long it will take for food to pass through the body.

Q.9 Which fiber supplement is best for constipation?

A.9 Outlook. Both Benefiber and Metamucil are soluble fiber supplements used to treat occasional constipation that may have other helpful benefits in the body.

Q.10 What causes big stomach in females?

A.10 There are many reasons why people gain belly fat, including poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress. Improving nutrition, increasing activity, reducing stress, and making other lifestyle changes can all help people lose unwanted belly fat. Belly fat refers to fat around the abdomen.

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Herbalife Active Fiber Complex
2,876.00 2,789.72